The PantryOn App
The PantryOn App
PantryOn is designed to monitor and manage household goods such as food & beverage items, cleaning supplies, medicine, hygiene products, office supplies, just about any consumable goods. In addition to monitoring goods, the app generates shopping lists AUTOMATICALLY. In the near future, users will be enabled to do grocery shopping online through the app. Also coming soon, users will have full access to accurate nutritional information from top data providers, access to real money saving coupons and discounts, and access to recipes and advice from nutrition experts based on their diets and physical needs.
How The App Works
PantryOn app is available on the apple store and google play. You can use the PantryOn app as a solo grocery shopping
list, or pair it with your own PantryOn units to transform the app into a true grocery shopping concierge. The PantryOn app enabled smart shelves allow users to monitor frequently consumed household items straight from their mobile device, anywhere in the world. The app provide users with up to the minute prices from their vendor of choice which helps them compare prices and save on their grocery needs.